27 February 2018 at Bikes N Roses, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.


The Board: Jessica Bouboulis (President), Sarah Betterton (Vice President), Laura Kehoe (Vice President), Eric Filson (Treasurer), Monica Wanat (Secretary), Maryam Altena (Community Outreach)

Others: At least 17 people signed in.

  1. Officer Reports
  • Not given due to time restriction.

II. Organizational Overview

  • Six new people attended; one of which signed a membership form (organization).

III. Invited Speakers

Representatives from the Jensen Community Organization (JCO) presented information about the organization. The JCO is one of AP’s oldest organizations, and its boundaries are Montrose to Lawrence, Kimball to Pulaski. It focuses on the following issues: beautification (gardens, litter cleanup, etc.), safety and social issues (safety walks, anti-gang signs, holiday giving tree, Little Free Libraries). The JCO maintains corner gardens at the following intersections: Wilson/Drake, Leland/Central Park, Wilson/Central Park, Hamlin/Eastwood, and Central Park/Lawrence (NW corner, called the Children’s Garden). Anyone interested in assisting with these gardens or other events should follow their FB page and join the group.

IV. Announcements and Updates

  1. APN-Driven
  • All Hands Albany Park - see FB page
  • AP Book Club - Meeting April 18, reading “The Warrior Woman” by Maxine Hong Kingston - see FB group
  • Little Free Libraries - no updates
  • Wilson /Pulaski lot - no updates
  • Adopt a Parkway - No update.
  • Litter pickup - Everyone encouraged to cleanup monthly. Gathering information about area Earth Day events (April 21).
  • Jobs Club - Attendees were surveyed to determine if a “jobs club” should be formed for any job seekers to gather, share information, offer encouragement, and keep each other on task. More info to follow as it becomes available. Anyone interested in joining should contact APN at albanyparkneighbors@gmail.com.

2. Informative or New Opportunities

  • Zoning and business updates

    • Blanz Pantry: Next meeting April 19 at 10 am.
    • Blood Bank: Residents and businesses near the Interstate Blood Bank have reported issues with drugs, medical waste, loitering, street harassment by visitors. At the community safety meeting hosted by the 33rd Ward on Feb 12, the blood bank indicated it will lock their garbage bins, sweep up more regularly, and generally promised to be better neighbors.
  • City and Ward updates

    • 33rd Ward Youth Council is coordinating a “Come out of the Shadows” DACA march and rally on March 15, starting at Roosevelt at 3pm.

3. General Announcements

  1. Chicago Police Department - CAPS beat meeting dates have changed. Check their calendar for the most up to date info.
  2. Chicago Public Schools - Local School Council elections

Elections for local school councils are going to be held soon. Anyone interested in being a parent or community member should contact their local schools. You don’t have to have a child enrolled in a school in order to be a community member, you only have to live within the school’s boundaries. LSC’s meet monthly and approve the school’s budget, keep the school on track to meet its goals, promote the school, and connect the community with the school.

  1. Jensen Park Organization

    • See speaker note above.
  2. NRC

    • Housing Committee - next Community Conversation meeting April 3, 630 pm. Topic: affordable housing
    • Education Committee - Arts and School mixer at the National Vietnam Arts Museum, Mar. 8, 4-6pm
    • Education Committee - Check out their 5 Fast Facts about schools in the northwest part of the city. Used to share and promote information about schools.
    • Destination Albany Park, Irving Park, and North Park - check out local restaurants and businesses on this wonderful area map.
    • Kedzie Cabin Fever Pub Crawl - March 15, starting at 6pm at Fullers
    • Taste of Albany Park - This event by the NRC/Albany Park Chamber of Commerce is scheduled for the weekend of April 28-29. Tickets will be available soon for the restaurant walk; last year they sold out quickly. A neighborhood tour hosted by Chicago for Chicagoans is also in the works. North Branch Projects will also be coordinating bookbinding activities for this event.
  3. Library Events

    • There are many events for adults, youth, and children at local Chicago libraries. Check out the Albany Park Library page to find out more about events.
  4. Parks and Preserves

There are many events for adults, youth, and children at local parks. Area parks are:

  1. Other

    • Storm Water Action Days: Residents should be aware of flooding that occurs in the area due to the river and general sewer draining issues in heavy rainfalls. When heavy rains are predicted, residents should use it as an excuse to not do laundry or dishes! Use only the necessary water in order to reduce the potential for street and structural flooding.
    • Peterson Gardens still has space at the Global Garden and NEIU Garden. Sign up soon!